Get Off My Lawn
A downloadable game
My entry for the 2022 Houdini Game Jam! First time really trying something like this and seeing it through. Top-down, twin-stick, bullet-storm action-shooter (is that enough hyphens?). Just try to survive for as long as you can, racking up points with each bug kill. Can you make it 2 minutes?
I used KineFX (so awesome) to retarget the player animations from the UE4 mannequin onto the Erik skeleton (SideFX content library). I was able to create the head bobbing animation used in the title screen by layering keyframed changes on top of the idle animation using Rig Pose and Full Body IK in KineFX. It's my first go at any of this, and I love it.
Had hoped and tried to build and bind a custom skeleton to better animate the enemy bugs - but couldn't quite figure that out yet. As it stands, I was able to model the basic bug mesh in Houdini and use it as a static mesh in Unreal.
Time permitting - adding in many missing pieces, like an actual lawn, fixes to the enemy bug physics, music and explosions.

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